How can we help you today?


Any funds the seller used plus fees are due at close of escrow or after 6 months. After 6 months, there will be an additional charge of 1.5% per month for a max total fee of 15% at 12 months. If the seller still has not sold the home or repaid the loan after 12 months, it will be sent to collections.

A CLOC refers to a Closing Line of Credit. Titus invented the CLOC to enable seller’s to access their home’s equity to prepare their home for the market.

The money can only be used for renovations, staging and other expenses related to prepping the home for sale. Titus does not restrict which contractors your client may use.

We don’t want to impact your client’s credit score as many sellers are also applying for new mortgages. Their credit will only be impacted if they default on a Titus CLOC.


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